I have links on my website to help you find most of these items. It will save you allot of time!
Food, Treats, Chewys, & Supplements for Your Puppy
☐ Earthborn Puppy Vantage dry food or Orijen dry puppy food OR
☐ Stella and Chewy’s Chicken Freeze Dried dog food (premium food alternative)
☐ Nutrisource canned puppy food
☐ Stella and Chewy’s Meal Mixers (dog treats) OR
☐ Pure Bites liver treats (dog treats)
☐ Forti-cal / Tomlyn Nutra-Cal (food supplement)
☐ Dried puppy milk / goat’s milk
☐ Gerber baby chicken / rice cereal / cottage cheese (to stimulate appetite)
☐ Panacur (deworming & parasite control)
☐ Himalayan Dog Chew Treat (chewy) AND/OR
☐ Nature’s Logic beef tendons (chewy) AND/OR
☐ Boulder Dog Food – All Natural Beef Tibial Tendons (chewy) AND/OR
☐ Large bully sticks (chewy) AND/OR
☐ Dentabone / Gumabone (rubber chew bone)
Health For Your Puppy
☐ Find a veterinarian
☐ Get copy of health / vaccination papers (come with puppy)
☐ Schedule initial veterinary visit (1 or 2 weeks after pick up -at 10 weeks of age)
☐ Sign up for pet insurance
Care and training for Your Puppy
☐ Sign up for puppy training classes
☐ Take Robin McFarlane puppy course?
Keep in mind that yard fertilizers & pesticides can cause toxic reactions & allergies for your puppies.
Puppy supplies
☐ Snuggle puppy
☐ Soft blanket
☐ Travel crate
☐ At home crate
☐ Puppy playpen
☐ Puppy bed
☐ Brush
☐ Dog shampoo / conditioner – Burt’s Bees
☐ Farnam Vetrolin detangler
☐ Comb – 5” comb
☐ Nail clippers
☐ Antibacterial baby wipes
☐ Waste removal bags
☐ Puppy pads – adult bed pads are best
☐ Collar – Blueberry
☐ Harness – Frisco / Coastal Pets
☐ Leash
☐ Toys, toys, and more toys!
☐ Food and water bowls
☐ Travel bowls
Bring When Picking Up / Traveling With Your Puppy
☐ Collar / harness
☐ Leash
☐ Puppy potty pads
☐ Plastic waste bags
☐ Travel crate
☐ Snacks / food (I will supply)
☐ Water bottle
☐ Portable water bowl
☐ Paper towels
☐ Soft towel / blanket
☐ Baby wipes