Sunny Day Puppies News
Enjoying some Warm Days in Mid-Winter!!
Ahhhh, these warm sunny days that we have been having this winter have been WONDERFUL!!! My dogs and I are sure taking advantage of them!
Ahhhh, these warm sunny days that we have been having this winter have been WONDERFUL!!! My dogs and I are sure taking advantage of them!
These pictures of my silly doggies will have you laughing!! They are sure having a fun time enjoying these beautiful Fall days!! We absolutely love
I finally wrote my web page on house training a new puppy! It’s about time. Take a look and let me know if I left
Mini Poodle / Havanese “HavaPoo” (AKA HavaNoodle) Puppies! A Little About Mommy & Daddy: Introducing Mini Poodle Sky Time! Little Sky is a Beautiful, Sweet,
HavaPoo Puppies (Havanese/Mini Poodle) !! Black Merle Moyen/Mini Poodle “Nickers” & Chocolate Tuxedo Havanese “Jolly Jeep” have awesome HavaPoo puppies!!! (AKA HavaNoodle) = Havanese /