Jingle’s HavaPooKie Puppies | Havanese/Poodle/Yorkshire Terrier

Mini Chocolate, Black, Blue, Parti, Tuxedo & Merle HavaPooKie Puppies!

Our beautiful Merle Mini HavaPoo (AKA “Poovanese” & “HavaNoodle”) “SDP Jingle Bells” and our Chocolate & Tan Parti Yorkshire Terrier “SDP JackPot” have quite the BEAUTIFULLY colored puppies!!!

“Jingle” Mini HavaPoo Mommy of Puppies

“JackPot” Yorkshire Terrier Daddy of Puppies

Daddy “JackPot” is our Little Prince Charming! Adorable baby doll face, wonderful personality, and gorgeous hazel eyes! A REAL flirt! Its no wonder that so many of my girls just fall head over heels for the little fellow! The little feller has a BEAUTIFUL thick, silky hair coat that is just wonderful to cuddle with!

Mini HavaPoo (AKA Poovanese & HavaNoodle) Jingle and our Yorkie JackPot have  Chocolate, Cafe-Au-Late, and Chocolate & Blue Merle HavapooKie Puppies (Havanese / Poodle / Yorkie) – and all with white flashy markings! They are non-shedding, hypo-allergenic, and beautifully colored puppies! We are pretty excited about them! Their puppies are registered with IDCR (International Designer Canine Registry). Their puppies are in fact bred specifically to be TOPS for a good-natured all around family dog with a LONG and HEALTHY life span!

Yorkie / Havanese / Mini Poodle Puppies  = “HavaPooKie Puppies”

Above are some photos of our previous HavaPooKie puppies. They are VERY unique Merle, Tuxedo, and Parti puppies with so many beautiful shades of color ! HavaPooKie puppies usually range around the 10-15 pound range as adults. With the “hybrid vigor” & our “Puppy Culture” here, the puppies are not only heartier than both parents, they also are TOPS in the intelligence department!

See many more pictures of our HavaPooKie puppies born here at SDP:

Jingle’s Past HavaPooKie Puppies and HavaPooKie Photo Album.  Read about the HavaPooKie Breed here: The HavaPooKie Breed

Be sure to read about  Jingle’s handsome husband Yorkshire Terrier “SDP JackPot” on his own page and his photo album. I can’t blame her a bit for falling in love with him. He is quite the charmer around here as you will see!

FUN, Happy, Non-shedding & Hypo-Allergenic, Family Puppies!

Deposits are $500. Deposits are non-refundable & go towards the price of your puppy. Price for  HavaPooKie puppies are $3,500, and puppies with the merle pattern are $4,000. All of the brown based puppies will have either the green/hazel eyes, with the merles sometimes having the crystal blue/partial blue eyes that often accompany the merle pattern. Many of the chocolates will lighten to a cafe chocolate (like coffee with cream) with darker points. “Puppy Colors & Markings”.

Jingle’s mommy is our legendary Blue Merle Poodle “Nickers”! You can learn more about Nickers on her page HERE. Jingle’s daddy is our legendary “Jolly Jeep”. Learn more about Jeep HERE.  Little Jingle is a delightful little lady & we are very excited about her puppies.

See Jingle’s personal web page to learn more about her:  Below are some pics of this absolutely WONDERFUL little lady!! She is of course the best of the best that I breed & raise here at SDP!! There are many more pictures of the sweet, fun little lady in her album.

Jingle's Newborn HavaPooKie Puppies
Jingle’s past litter of 1 Wk old HavaPooKie Puppies – picture taken Oct 9th, 2024


Deposits for Jingle’s next  litter of HavaPooKie Puppies to be born Spring / Summer of 2025. They will be ready to go sometime in the Summer time at 8 weeks old.
  1. Susan from TX – 2025
  2. Linda & Bella from IA/UT – 2nd of Jingle’s puppies in their family from us! 
  3. Heidi from TX 
  4. Eileen from NY (also on PopCorn’s list)
  5. Jamie from OH (also on PopCorn’s list)
  6. Samanda from NY (also on TicTac’s list)

(Keep in mind that though the waiting lists may look long, generally over 50% of the folks pass on a litter)

Usual HavaPooKie litter size is 5 to 6 puppies. This list will change some after the puppies are born. Many folks go on to wait on the next litter if the timing is not right for them or there is not a puppy of their preferred color or gender available for them here. Many will get a puppy from another litter altogether (as you can see most folks are on 2 waiting lists). Others will move up in line for choice when folks decide to wait for the next puppies. Having a deposit down will definitely hold your place in line. I promise it will be worth your patience! 🙂